Life is only as long as a moment. The past no longer physically exists, it did but now it's alive merely in one's memories. Unlike the past being something that once was real, the future doesn't exist at all, it's but a figment of one's imagination - a mix of both prediction and desire. The past is to learn from, where as the future is meant to arouse the imagination, both of which can be powerful if used positively. If you were to remember one thing, it would be this: One may look, as long as he doesn't lose sight of where he is looking from.
One may look as far away from the present moment as they desire, whether it be in the past or in the future, as long as one's intentions are good. While one may have a thought, the emotion behind that is what creates the intention - the underlining cause of all meaningful thought and action. The meaning of life - not just in humanity but life itself - is to continue and grow, to thrive, and therefore a good intention would simply be in support of this.
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