The cannabis plant in itself has long been known to man as one of the most medicinal herbs we have here on Earth. The best part is that it doesn't stop at being just simply medicinal; hemp could also completely put a halt to the oil and coal industries because of it's ability to be created into bio-degradable plastic, or the deforestation industry with hemp being able to be grown and cut much quicker while also using much less chemicals and machines to turn it into paper than it takes to grow and cut down a forest and then turn that into paper. Hemp can be used for almost anything!
Hemp oil is apparently a very probable candidate in the "cure" to cancer, who would have guessed? I quoted cure to emphasize it, the biggest flaw of the fight to cure cancer isn't just that there isn't really a full cure but that cancer shouldn't even necessarily be something that we have to cure. It's important to note that cancer is now an industry in itself, there's a reason doctors and hospitals don't tell you anything about what exactly cancer is and if they do, they won't tell you what caused it. The only option we have open at this time is slow not-so-preferable treatments that will last a while and result in an even lesser immune system, and that's before the high probability of death. Cancer basically starts with a very natural mutation of cells, this mutation is really nothing and is completely controlled by your body. Where this becomes cancer is when it's able to spread in a part of the body in an unnaturally, uncontrollable manner. This is result of the environment within your body turning from it's natural base to a much more unnatural acidic through all of the unhealthy
What the hell do you think is going to happen to you and your [future] kids when all you put through your body is coca cola, mcdonalds, alcohol, no exercise, and a shelf full of prescription drugs with more side effects than any good they could potentially, temporarily do? Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying go out and buy a 5-piece of marijuana and smoke it right now, there are ups and downs to everything and marijuana is something that a lot of people enjoy recreationally maybe a little too much. You are still putting smoke in your lungs [and that-
Okay, I suppose I'll include a small bit of the history to the illegalization of hemp. So, why is hemp illegal? I'll start by saying that it's not illegal because it's bad for you, no one has died from marijuana alone. If the Government gave a
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