Saturday, 7 April 2012

Living healthy inside and out!

I came across two articles, the first being 50 Life Secrets and Tips and the second being 50 (More) Life Secrets and Tips! Personally, I already understood a lot of what these articles are talking about due to my reading into the topics of spirituality. That's not to say that it's not a good thing to re-educate one's self on this topic. Any ways, I'm not going to quote their entire page, I'm just going to give some of the points I enjoyed the most.

Use your memory and read more.
This will enhance your memory as well as make you the equivalent to a human Google, which is what some of my friends call me for my ability to reiterate "random" things.

Look people in their eyes and respond to them with their name when greeting them.
Eye contact is a very important thing, that connection establishes that you acknowledge them and aren't getting bored. Stating said persons' name when greeting them also will help establish a much stronger connection with that person.

Reduce your attachment to material things.
Obviously in a world where material wealth has become more important, it's not the easiest to rid yourself of. However, I'm not suggesting that one rids one's self from a material possession, but solely from the want or need or the attachment to that possession.

Focus the mind on the present moment.
The past is something that has already happened, it's unchangeable, one should not look into the past unless looking not to repeat a mistake. The future hasn't even happened yet, most are so fascinated with the future that they look so far ahead and begin to lose sight of where they currently stand. The presence is the result of the past, and it's what creates the future, why would you want to focus on anything other than just that? The past can only bring misfortune and regret where as the future with want and desire. The present is the gift of gifts!

Smile more!
Your emotions and how you physically act are directly linked in that the act of smiling will actually make you happier. Serotonin is what we call the happy hormone, by thinking something positive or physically smiling, this hormone is released and therefore connects the two.

Develop an endless curiosity about the world, life and travelling.
There is much more to the world than confining your existence to your house - or even your neighbourhood. Your neighbourhood is definitely a good place to start, but what about the rest of the world?! Life has so much to offer!

Get physically fit!
Being fit helps to make a much healthier you as well as boost self-confidence, especially when it comes to your love life. There is no reason why you shouldn't be motivated to achieve this!

Drink more water and get in the sun!
Forget about pop or soda or whatever you want to call it, try looking up what's actually in that stuff. You need at least 8 cups of water a day, but 10 is the preferred amount! The sun is like a boost of energy, this with water is what creates life as we know it - it's what created us!

Don't take life too seriously, try to think more positively.
Learn to laugh at your own mistakes, you have the rest of your life to get it right! Thinking positively is essential to your own happiness, by whatever means necessary, keep your thoughts positive.

Help others!
Helping others is important for bettering the self in that you will feel good about yourself. It's the best possible feeling that one can achieve in this life!

Make honesty all you know.
Keeping a reputation of being an honest person is important for your own integrity.

Put aside a time each day to think of everything that's worrying you.
This can also be called meditation, practitioners use prayer beads for this and as they go over each bead, they either repeat a thought or come to a new thought. You don't need to do anything fancy, just sit down and focus the mind on what's eating at you - this will help you to better understand exactly how you would be able to solve these issues.

Get up early!
Start your day off early and set an hour or so aside for activities like mediation, but focus on the positive things, this will jump start your day!

Sleep less.
Sleep is very important for you, it's when you body takes everything you learned throughout the day and puts it away. But, being awake is much more efficient for your being!

Figure out what your goals and dreams are.
Understanding what you're interested in and what you wish to achieve is important in that it's what will help you reach these goals.

Discover what you enjoy doing and pursue it!
I personally enjoy dancing and web design, these are what I'm able to put any stress throughout my day or my week into and let it out positively. I believe that it's completely necessary to have something you enjoy doing to release any form of stress into.

Learn to forgive.
It is important to forgive, this will help you in letting go of past memories that are holding you back from further self development!

Control your emotions and your thoughts.
This is truly what ends up creating who you are and more importantly, who you will become. Control your thoughts by restricting the to the positive side of life, and as stated earlier, set aside times for other kinds of thinking. Your emotions are something that get in the way of a lot of things, specifically negative emotions like anger, etc. Love is the only emotion you need to let out!

Take the time to sit back and relax.
There may be a lot to experience but that doesn't mean you need to rush, sometimes it's better to close your eyes and focus on your breathing.

Work on good first imprssions!
First impressions are what create the base connection between you and someone. It's this base connection that determines how a relationship between you and someone will grow!

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